Inspections & Servicing

PUWER & LOLER inspections
that ensure compliance.

Our competent inspections team will support and guide you through your venue’s legal obligations under LOLER and PUWER regulations. We offer a client-focused service, tailored towards how you use the equipment at your venue.
Rigging inspection at london theatre
Following inspection, you will be promptly supplied with a clear and detailed Report of Thorough Examination (ROTE), including a condition report detailing any faults, issues, observations and the corrective actions required.

What's included

Lifting & Flying Systems

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Truss Structures, Staging & Ground Supports

Tab Tracks

Temporary Installations & Fixtures

Hoists & Winches

Fixed Lighting Grids & Bars

Automated Seating

Frequently Asked Questions

What does LOLER stand for?

LOLER stands for Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998. These regulations require lifting equipment such as lighting bars, hoists and winches, to undergo a thorough examination every six months if used for lifting people and accessories, or 12 months for general operations. These examinations include visual, load and function tests carried out by a competent, accredited inspector. It’s mandatory to keep detailed records of inspections, defects, and corrective actions.
PUWER stands for The Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998. These regulations require work equipment to be safe, suitable for its intended purpose and properly maintained. PUWER Regulation 6 does not specify how often to examine equipment, however it should be inspected after installation and at suitable intervals, based on its exposure to conditions causing deterioration and any exceptional circumstances. Keeping detailed records of inspections and repairs is mandatory.
Lifting equipment inspection at a broadcasting studio.
Ready to get started?

Talk to one of our rigging experts today!